Gdynia Business Week ran from August 16-22, 2009 and was a monumental success. Below is a summary of events, along with a few photos. SGSCA would like to thank everyone involved in this project; its success rested on the shoulders of those who volunteered, donated, and believed in Business Week’s potential. Thank you!
For the last six years, the Seattle-Gdynia Sister City Association has helped sponsor high school students from Gdynia who wish to attend Washington Business Week in Seattle. Due to the success of these exchanges, SGSCA met with officials in Gdynia to discuss a mirrored program based on the intensive, six-day Washington Business Week curriculum.
August 16-22, 2009 witnessed the realization of these discussions and efforts.
The City of Gdynia graciously hosted 97 Polish students, 4 American students, and 11 business professionals from companies such as Microsoft, Skanska USA, and Travelers Insurance. During the course of the week, students broke into smaller teams and formed companies advised by a business professional. Companies then performed business simulations, attended lectures, and practiced management skills. At the end of the week, each company presented their products and statistics to a group of judges comprised of prominent businesspeople from the Gdynia area.
Speakers and guests throughout the program included: Gdynia Deputy Mayor, Ewa Lowkiel; U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Victor Ashe; President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek; and Director of Strategic Development at Microsoft Poland, Michał Jaworski. Additionally, the Chairman of Gdynia’s City Council, Stanisław Szwabski, was presented with a proclamation signed by Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels which declared August 16-22 “Gdynia Week†in Seattle. Ambassador Victor Ashe also received an award from the National League of Mayors.
After the program, the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw hosted a small reception for Business Week organizers. Due to the success of 2009’s inaugural Business Week discussions are already beginning for 2010 and beyond.

U.S. Ambassador, Victor Ashe, speaks at the opening ceremonies.

Gdynia City Council Chairman Stanisław Szwabski accepts Mayor Nickels' "Gdynia Week" proclamation, presented by SGSCA

Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, stopped by to speak at Business Week

Business Week students and advisors

Business Week representatives attended a reception at the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw
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